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 title part & '15th item' part of the (http://search.msn.nl/results.asp?q=www.pastis.cz&origq=www.patis.cz&RS=CHECKED&FORM=DNSERR&v=1&cfg=SMCINITIAL&nosp=0&thr=&submitbutton.x=49&submitbutton.y=19)_page cut up

it is totally incredible, & fantastically set up !
imagine a links page or folder you get on when you search a site
which ISN'T listed on it : what formidable & joyful efficience !
vnatrc.net brings it to you : linxystem !
as you may see on above screenshot (taken on december 10th 2002),
some(e-)one typed "www.pastis.cz" in MSN Zoeken .nl's search engine :
the 15th occurrence out of 201 is : ":: ~c]~ vnatrcian|BiG&FruitY|linKing|displaY|feelinGs ~c]~ :: (url: www.vnatrc.net/linXystem/linksys)"! the wicked point is,
"www.pastis.cz" IS NOT listed on vnatrc.net/'s linXystem ! wooow !

all trafficmagnet.net, wizsystems.com & their spammy boring unefficient
commercial e-mates may go to bed (for a looong time!).
resquiescant in pace.

bituur estreym
, finno-magyar filolog von v.n.a.t.r.c.?
(we link the screenshot on pastis.cz with proud pleasure !)
vnatrc.net : "after our intervention, the result is far better !"